miércoles, 17 de enero de 2018

The Day We Met...

I will never forget that 9/22/17 at 07:0 PM.
How nervous you were...
How excited I was....
You came just when I was not expecting someone "special".
But all of the sudden... you are that special person who completes me, that one guy that makes me smile, that makes me happpy...
Maybe is too soon to say that "you are the one" but boy, every day that passes by  I am becoming more and more sure that you are...
I love you in so many ways... you are my life, heart and soul.
You are the one who makes me stay awake at night..  and I wish the night would last longer so we could spend our time  laughing and smiling at each other...
Despite that you are "far away"....  I can feel you closer and closer everyday.
Is so easy to fall in love for you....
I Just want to say I LOVE YOU.
Thank you for loving me.

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016

El Parcero.

So now? So now what?
I met you when I was already fine...
You came to me so unexpected... so strong! So full of life... so happy.

I do love you parcero. But I have to contain my feelings towards you.

Once I felt that my heart was already in your hands. But I decided to take it away and keep it for myself on a safe place... on a place that will not suffer...

I wish i could have met you on a time when you would have been ready for me.

But my parcero... your heart is somewhere else coming back where it belongs... with him... despites that he is no longer in your life.

Half of your heart is with me... only when i am arround.

I only wish that he never comes back... cause that day my parcero... will be the day that i will lost you. And if that happens... it will be the day that you will lost me for good. And forever.

At the end only time will decide what will happen.... my mind, body and heart belongs to you...

I just hope that at the end you end up with me... cause i am more that willing to make you happy.

I will fight for you my parcero... but lets be honest... at the moment that i realize that it is a lost cause... i will retire myself with dignity and knwing that i fought for you with all of the wapons that a i have in my hands.

I can not force you to love... but i will force myself to not love you if necesary.

Still parcero... will see what time decides.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015


Most people is afraid of Darkness, yes normal people is afraid of her.

But I do love her, I enjoy her company, you can be yourself in the dark, you can be naked in the dark and no one will ever notice, there might be a ghost right in front of you but Darkness will protect you from seeing it.

Darkness itself is not bad, I am more afraid of the Light cause... true monsters are hidden in The light with a deep darkness inside... That is the kind of darkness that is able to actually hurt you, take away your soul your beliefs and destroy your heart, I know that the kind of darkness that these monsters hide inside of them is kind of fascinating... it allures you until there is no way out and until you are not able to see what is really happening.

Now I know that that is the reason why I felt so deeply in love with you. Cause your soul is so dark that I immediately felt for you. You my dear...you have the most dark and soulless heart that I have ever known. I confused the lovely Darkness who is my companion every night with the darkness inside of you.

You were right when you used to tell me "I am a monster"... maybe at that point there was some good left you and you were just trying to warned me to stay away from you... But... I did not see what was coming.

There was something more disturbing inside of you... something that it was in front of me all the time... that demon.

You unleashed that demon and it destroyed everything that I once ever felt for you and it took the love that it was inside of me... the love that I felt for you as a weakness... It destroyed me as well.

I been on a war against that demon since that day... and luckily I have been able to fight back with grace... of course that in war there are a lot of casualties, my heart died, my ego suffered, my mind took a path into craziness and my body got so cold. But there are some winnings as well... now I have developed a sixth sense that allowes me to see the monsters hidden in the light and cut their heads off until they are too close.

Yes darling now I am what I am cause you made me this way...Cold.

Now your memory seems so far away... and I know that your soul is more darker than ever...and that the demon stills hiding inside of that darkness just waiting for a new victim to drag into.

That demon sometimes scapes from that darkness and tries to bring me down but now I am brave enough to fight it.. and even when it seems that I am about to loose, somehow I am always able to defeat it.

Now I turn off the lights and let the sweet darkness of the night to embrace me and that my dear... is the only darkness that I will ever trust from now on.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

A sky full of stars...

I am houndred of miles away from you.
It's funny how a little while ago I had the typical internal fight between mind and heart.

My mind used to tell my heart that you were not good for me.
But my heart was not listening. That was so painful. It was like nothing made sense.

Now my heart has forfotten you but my mind is eager for your memories.

Yes I miss you. I miss you so much, but it does not hurt anymore. Despites that I think of you every single day I can say now that... I am able to live without you.

I guess that my mind is stuck with a possiblity that it will never happen.

And now a sky full of stars is above me. And... you are the one that comes into my mind.

Do I still love you?


But time is healing me... so I pray to God that tomorrow will be the day that I will not love you no more.

And whe that tomorrow comes... I will see another sky full of stars again and I will not think of you. That is my 11:11 wish for tonight.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Thank you.

Despite the awful experience that I had with you almost 2 months ago, I must say:

1st. I am much better now... I actually think of you but I do not feel pain or regrets.

2nd. Now I do not think about my life as a "." But I see my life as a ";"

3rd. Thanks to you I learned to identify people more accurately . No one will ever hurt me, play me or take advantage of me as you did. Ever again.

So... at the end of the day I am glad that I met you cause I like this new version of me. No feelings at all. No regrets at all. Not looking for a prince charming that more likely will never come.. but the most that I am thankful to you is that I stop believing in guys and in love... as these two will always make your life a hell.

Thanks seriously thanks...

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

The girl with the golden hair.

Once I met a girl, her skin was pale like milk her eyes were green like emeralds her hair was golden like the sun.

I never expected that this girl would love me like a brother... I never expected that I would love her like a sister.

Now I can say... she is one of the women of my life.

Life would be unbearable without her. Life would be pointless without her.

I would dare to say that she is the love of my life.

She will always be on the good and bad times with me, and though we argue sometimes, we always find a way to fix and mend whatever it might be broken.

She has mend my heart whenever a bad boy has made my life a hell.

I must say that I am in love with this beautiful girl, that on the outside she seems thug I know that on the inside she is fragile like any oher girl.

And on the dawn of her birthday I just hope and wish that God will give her many more years to live by my side.

Je t'aime ma blonde, plus que ma prope vie.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015


I remember the days when loneliness was a good friend of mine.

We used to eat together, we use to sleep together, she was my perfect date.

Now she has become so distant sometimes I wonder if we still have the good relation that we used to have.

She is no lo longer joyful to me. I want to know what happened to her.

I want to se her again as i used to see her. My great companion.

But... I do not know if we will be the same again.

I miss the way that she used to be.

I want my old friend loneliness back, but not this way.